Essence Music: The Emergence of a Collective Agency
Essence Music: The Emergence of a Collective Agency

Aviv Shahar with Edward Dowrick and Paul Stone

September 10, 2021
essence music agency
Almost everyone can remember being moved – feeling joy, inspiration, or even healing – by music. Maybe from a symphony, or someone playing guitar and singing in the street. The ability to move or inspire a listener doesn’t come from technical skill, or a particular setting; it’s what’s inside the artist and the music, what comes through when they play (or move, or draw, or sing).

Essence music is about what’s unseen; the energy, feelings and qualities that can be expressed through the theater of a musician as they play. It might be an intentional frequency and rhythm to transmit a specific quality, or a process of discovering and expressing what’s moving through nature.

Artists often describe the feeling of connecting to something much bigger than themselves, a universal source of energy and inspiration.

In this conversation, Aviv Shahar and musicians Ed Dowrick and Paul Stone try to unravel the mysteries of essence music through their own experience and inspiration.

It started a whole process of thinking about the individual sound that each life makes, inside of something else that's causing the sound, that's causing the enactment. And immediately I wanted to try to express it in something symphonic - and include the birds and the animals - because somehow, in the sound, is a signal that's incoming. Perhaps it's the signal of spring coming after a long winter, and, with that sound, is there something else in it?
Edward Dowrick

Edward Dowrick

Edward Dowrick

Ed is the founder of Vitamusic, which represents an unfolding organic process in the research, development, and advancement of natural, remedial and restorative methodologies through the medium of music and sound. This has stemmed from a lifelong inquiry and discovery journey into the many aspects of “why is the human on Earth?”, its purpose, and its application into everyday life.

Visit: Vitamusic


Paul Stone

Paul Stone

I started playing piano at 5, having been enticed into practicing by my parents. Throughout my life I’ve been passionately interested and engaged with the domain of music; this has ranged from listening to and studying intently many kinds and styles of music and, as I’ve grown more seasoned (matured), composing, arranging, recording and engineering new music.

I believe that music, and other art forms as well, can offer translation and transference of refined essences and qualities. Helping to create ecologies or atmospheres where a special kind of nourishment, healing, and enlivenment can be experienced. This is the background and context for appreciating my experiments with creating and playing Essence Music. My engagement and endeavor quicken and deepen. I know that there are others similarly compelled and called to these regenerative realms, where everyone involved is enhanced and elevated. I hope our paths may cross!

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

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