Ultimately, what we can begin to sense through those different articulations you're offering to the human orchestra is that there is a permission for human life, there is a range available for human life, where rather than being all too worried about finding my voice - which is so important, I do want to find my voice - but can I first discover that a human can liberate a broader range of voices?
And I then may be able to discover my voice within the broader range of permission that's available for me. So it's a distinction with a difference, the difference being opening versus closing, a broadening versus narrowing, personalizing versus universalizing.
Join the discovery of the human orchestra in this 4-part series.
I think one of the things that we're pressing back toward is the aspect of discovery. Because the discovery part of it is looking at these two parts. So you have the part that is the “what you are,” and then you also have the part of “what to do with it.” So how to apply it, how to use it?