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Throughout history, the great questions have been asked, and great research has been undertaken, always expanding the territory of the known by shining a light into the unknown. Where is that cutting edge today? And can a community of people from all over the world, each carrying their own unique journey of discovery, come together to inquire at the edge of purposeful evolution, through dialogue and interaction? We think it is possible, and we hope that you will choose to be a part of this exploration.

In this gathering of global participants, from different continents and in varying time zones, what emerges is a profound hope, mutually felt and deeply expressed, for coming together to generate a positive signal into the world for a future of our own creating.
In this segment, Forrest Wilson guides us through a deepening of our awareness and interconnections, while creating a space and allowance for what can join each one of us, and all of us together, in this gathering.
Then, Ofer Dotan leads us into a purposeful dwelling on the qualities and attributes that we would want to bring forward, with us, as we let go of the things that no longer serve and acentuate the aspects that support our move into the future.
I just invite everyone to become aware that we've all gathered here today for a reason, maybe we can articulate it or maybe we can't, but just become aware that we've all gathered to wonder into the world that we want to create, the world that exists inside each of us and all of us together.