Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Foray Two: Creating a Space for Discovery
Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Foray Two: Creating a Space for Discovery

Aviv Shahar with Ofer Dotan, Ari Levari, and Forrest Wilson

March 3, 2022
co-create the future

This is a special conversation among a wide variety of people from around the world who came together in a recent Portals event to clear a space and take the first steps in co-creating humanity’s future. Yes; it’s a big idea and a big premise. But simply by being alive we are in a sense creating the future. This is an invitation to be conscious, deliberate and purposeful in co-creating the future we want to see for humanity and the planet.

The propelling Portal’s inquiry into each domain of life we explore is how each one of us can become a better tool, a better vessel, for a more enlightened future to appear through us. The collective space we look to foster on Portals is a place of gathering and activation where the emerging new future is

shared, nurtured and given life.

The central theme of exploring the future emerging in this time of profound change runs through all Portal’s conversations. We have opened the domains of essence art and music, listening with presence, the new entrepreneurs and the human as a fountain of encouragement and hope. In the latest Portals online event, and this conversation, we hear a diverse group of multi-generational voices and perspectives stepping into the space of sensing and expressing humanity’s future.

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When we come together and encourage each other, one minute you are the source of encouragement and hope. And, a minute later, you need the very medicine and strength that you find in another person. That kind of mutuality, and shared conversation, is part of what we hope to foster here. An opportunity to truly practice our highest hopes, and cultivate a global community that brings together different voices, different backgrounds, different experiences, with a shared intention that the future may be wiser, more facilitating, more enabling for the new lives that are joining the human experience and experiment here on Earth. 

Aviv Shahar

Ofer Dotan

Ofer Dotan

Following my passion for facilitating processes that empower people, I specialized in economics, comparative law and public policy. Applying these skills, I try to be in a continuous exploration process, professionally and personally, to unlock ever more humane wonders.

Ari Levari

Ari Levari

I've always been a seeker, engaged in an unending conversation with reality, asking questions about meaning, purpose, and potential. With a bachelors in neuroscience and a masters in organizational psychology, I've spent years studying the hidden forces that drive human behavior and the structures we find ourselves embedded in.

Forrest Wilson

Forrest Wilson

Forrest facilitates and holds space for bodies, beings, and collectives to come into coherence through practicing presence, deepening into our essential wholeness, and sourcing our emerging future.

Lisa Marcus

Lisa Marcus

At home, we were always encouraged to ask the more enigmatic questions of life. Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where will I go at the end of my life? And the biggest question of all, What is my part to play in the great canvas of life?

Enchanted by the many different cultures and peoples from around the world, during my youth I traveled through my trusty Encyclopedia Britannica. Then came the wondrous day that I was able to travel by airplane. Committed to being a "Champion of Warmth," I continue my travels and interactions with others from all around the world, as together we create a "bouquet of humanity;" one that connects and offers companionship as we step into the future.

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

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