Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Foray One: Permission to Imagine
Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Foray One: Permission to Imagine

Aviv Shahar with Ofer Dotan, Ari Levari, Forrest Wilson, and Fionn Wright

November 19, 2021
co-create the future

In the lead-up to our first Co-Creating Humanity's Future Virtual Event, we realized that this subject may require from us many more forays into its territories, both interior and external. The process began in this way:

We are proposing that, from the beginning of time, when humans realized that they were humans, we started to imagine the future. And right from the get-go, we discovered that we can plan, anticipate, respond to needs, do whatever we can do to make the next hour, the next day, a little better. And, indeed, admittedly, in the early stages of humanity more in response to natural conditions, but quite quickly, as humanity evolved, this idea that we truly have the power to co-create, to shape the environment. And, within that, the recognition that it is so natural for us to yearn 

for a better tomorrow, to yearn for something for ourselves that's different, to yearn for our children, to yearn for next generations for something that will be different and better.

And so that recognition that we actually have the power to imagine and think about today, and think through today into tomorrow and beyond, is so central to who we are as humans, and is really part of the essence of our humanness, that sense that we can anticipate tomorrow. And so today is about reclaiming and giving ourselves again the permission to imagine, to imagine what world we want to co-create for ourselves, for our children, for next generations, for the world at large, actually daring to claim that permission. And so because of that, we want to introduce a simple question for us to reflect on, which is: what holds us back from imagining, and creating, the future?

I feel very personal about this. I feel ferociously defiant that this decline in the human spirit must stop right here, right now, with us. We must, in ourselves, embody this idea of reclaiming the permission to believe.

Aviv Shahar

Ofer Dotan

Ofer Dotan

Following my passion for facilitating processes that empower people, I specialized in economics, comparative law and public policy. Applying these skills, I try to be in a continuous exploration process, professionally and personally, to unlock ever more humane wonders.

Ari Levari

Ari Levari

I've always been a seeker, engaged in an unending conversation with reality, asking questions about meaning, purpose, and potential. With a bachelors in neuroscience and a masters in organizational psychology, I've spent years studying the hidden forces that drive human behavior and the structures we find ourselves embedded in.

Forrest Wilson

Forrest Wilson

Forrest facilitates and holds space for bodies, beings, and collectives to come into coherence through practicing presence, deepening into our essential wholeness, and sourcing our emerging future.

Fionn Wright

Fionn Wright

Fionn travels the world with his family,  worldschooling his kids, coaching leaders to unify through diversity and supporting the evolution of our planetary consciousness through his TV appearances, vlogging, writing, consulting, facilitating, podcasting & live-streaming.

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

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