We are in a conversation about art – a large domain of exploration with so many facets that we're going to approach at least in the beginning by bypassing the big questions that can limit our perspective, such as, what is art? What is the function of art? These are large questions that people make a living talking about. We're starting this conversation by entering through a side door and exploring the idea of art as a conversation, an evolving conversation.
In considering art as a form of conversation what comes to mind is that there must be several parties involved to have a conversation. Who or what is "art" talking to? What is passing between us, the art, and other parts of the conversation? It’s thinking of art as a space where it becomes possible to inspire, to make contact, to create a new connection, to find a new kind of intimacy with life.
In this conversation Aviv Shahar talks with Aud Wilken and Rita Lampen, two life-long artists, about their love of art, the source of their inspiration, and what is possible through a deeper awareness and appreciation of the true nature of living art.
It is an absolute gift, and I think I've always felt great freedom inside of the pathways of art, and the less I separate them from each other, the more access I feel that I have in myself, to myself, and through myself to other things.