An Arena of Sharing
An Arena of Sharing

Aviv Shahar with Jeff Vander Clute

October 18, 2020
the unfinished self
Interactions in the world have made a dramatic shift from predominantly in-person engagements to mostly virtual, online gatherings. Yet people are finding it is still possible to share not only verbal communication but energetic communication as well.

This may point to new understandings and awarenesses, in terms of how we contribute and participate in group settings of all types, if we have a conscious awareness of the energetic support we can offer, and the unseen role we can play.

This concept can lead us down many pathways. Follow along with Jeff Vander Clute and Aviv Shahar as they navigate these shifting territories in this second installment of a multipart series.

The problem I'm so highly aware of is that when you adopt a teaching frame, there is the ghost of all collectives through history when there was a group of people with a teacher, that in the absence of heightened self-awareness, and collective awareness for all of us, we easily step into that pattern where there is one side that knows and the other side is supposed to not know. And there is a question and an answer. And I never want to be in that space because I don't claim to know; I'm discovering on the cutting edge of my own process.

Aviv Shahar

Jeff Vander Clute

Jeff Vander Clute

Jeff Vander Clute coaches and consults, teaches, writes, and leads travel journeys.

He is a co-founder of Sourcing The Way, Enlightening Journeys and Expeditions, and The Consciousness of Money. Jeff is also a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and he serves on the board of directors for Alliance for the Earth and Source of Synergy Foundation (previous chair).

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.



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