As you think about or imagine what having a balanced life might really mean, consider what in your life helps keep you grounded and centered. Where do you find your inner strength and resiliency? Why is it important? It's like in rock climbing; if you can find a stable, strong ledge to put your foot on, you may be able to reach out for more.
Finding your center is tied closely with knowing your purpose in life. It can begin with a few key questions – what are sometimes called first principle inquiries – to help clarify what you believe your purpose to be at any point in your life.
This series of conversations will weave a loom of considerations about a balanced life, and look at the inner awareness, technologies, and perceptions that can help us
access and get back to a life of balance, harmony and growth during times of change and challenge.
At this time, in this phase in your journey, how would you define the purpose that you're pursuing, the purpose of your life at this stage? Then, even if there is a gap in a person's developmental skills, they can come at it from the sense of being grounded in themselves, that centeredness.