The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 6. Becoming Human

The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 6. Becoming Human

The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 5. A Sense of Play Begin Here: The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part - 1. A Connector of Possibilities I think today we are just sensing a bit of that: encouraging in each other and with the people we get to work with, and live...
The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 5. A Sense of Play

The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 5. A Sense of Play

The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 4. A Context of Understanding Begin Here: The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part - 1. A Connector of Possibilities The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 6. Becoming Human We have reached the realization in this conversation that...
The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 3. A New Whole

The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 3. A New Whole

The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 2. Tool Makers Begin Here: The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part - 1. A Connector of Possibilities The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 4. A Context of Understanding Once we are able to perceive something, we seem then able to...
The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 2. Tool Makers

The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 2. Tool Makers

Begin Here: The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part - 1. A Connector of Possibilities The Human as a Weaver Part to Part: 3. A New Whole Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear of new inventions or new ideas. Humans have been pushing the envelope of what is possible...