Religion and the Esoteric w/ Brendan Graham Dempsey

Religion and the Esoteric w/ Brendan Graham Dempsey

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 5:37 Evolving from a backward- to a forward-looking religion 18:50 How do we invite the esoteric? 38:55 The unfolding layers of the exoteric, mesoteric and esoteric 58:01 Are we throwing cause and effect out the window? 1:17:50 Is...
Portals Into the Soul – Chapter 5: The Soul Courting the Brain

Portals Into the Soul – Chapter 5: The Soul Courting the Brain

  In the fourth installment we demonstrated how to apply loom work to grow and expand conductive space for the soul. We prodded inquiries outside of the already known to practice and facilitate a sense of ease and flow inside not knowing. To place this soul...
Evolution, Consciousness, and the New Truth with Steve McIntosh

Evolution, Consciousness, and the New Truth with Steve McIntosh

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 13:38 Where are we now in this moment in history? 30:58 The search for transcendence and deeper meaning 40:10 What is ‘the good life’? 49:48 Understanding value as the good, the true, the beautiful 1:18:36 The worldview that...
God: An Evolving Revelation with Brendan Graham Dempsey

God: An Evolving Revelation with Brendan Graham Dempsey

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 2:33 What is a metamodern approach to spirituality? 14:38 Is God continuing to evolve? 32:40 How can we explain the notion of the Christ? 47:36 Where do feminine and masculine fit in divinity? 1:06:30 Navigating our way through the...
Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 4: A Growing Space for the Soul

Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 4: A Growing Space for the Soul

  In the third installment we described two ways to apply Einstein’s admonition when he observed that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. The first practice involved placing the problem you are working to solve inside...