Expressions of Religious Living

Expressions of Religious Living

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 2:50 Our personal quest for the highest communion 10:00 Can we really rewrite the past? 31:14 The profound pilgrimage to know oneself 48:18 What does a religious life look like today? 1:19:55 The revelation we seek isn’t ‘out there’;...
The Goddess Arising

The Goddess Arising

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 4:00 Correcting an ancient fallacy about divine feminine 21:24 What do we mean by interrogating the masculine? 30:28 What does the metamodern Goddess look like? 46:17 Intimacy and resolving ancient tension 1:03:16 What needs healing...
The Teacher’s Journey with Sarah McCrum

The Teacher’s Journey with Sarah McCrum

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 2:28 What is the wellbeing economy and energy of money? 20:41 Why would we feel like we’re not enough? 37:18 Can teachers spot the traps in their students? 54:00 Is there a difference between energy work and spirituality? 11:09:30...
Activating the Inner Conclave

Activating the Inner Conclave

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 1:20 Birthing the new human 12:15 How do we unlock the antidote to trauma? 28:45 Why is ‘being yourself’ the best approach to the Inner Conclave? 44:42 The Inner Conclave process begins with healing 1:00:30 What is the intelligence...
What is Healing #3 – Opening to Healing

What is Healing #3 – Opening to Healing

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:59 What is illness? 25:30 Consciousness is the medicine 43:00 How do we polish coal into a diamond of clarity? 59:21 Why does trauma need a uniquely creative response? 1:26:26 Stepping from healing to evolution doesn’t take time,...