Current Openings #4: The Brain/Body Conundrum

Current Openings #4: The Brain/Body Conundrum

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 3:54 The predicament and the promise 15:43 Freedom of choice is part of the disharmony 25:07 Do we even trust our ability to reason? 39:25 We are trapped by institutions of power 55:35 We have the ‘superpower’ to liberate the future...
The Three Journeys – Introduction (Part 1)

The Three Journeys – Introduction (Part 1)

A location note: This article builds on the insights explored in The Ensoulment Journey conversation between Aviv Shahar and Jeff Vander Clute that took place in early March 2022. Aviv describes working through The Three Journeys with a global community at an event...
Current Openings #3: The Promissory Grace

Current Openings #3: The Promissory Grace

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 6:20 Resisting the urge for an easy answer 18:10 What is the promissory grace of the human situation? 27:05 A journey that is going somewhere 37:30 How do we become more naturalized to being human? 46:10 The logic of the promissory...
The Ring of Valiance

The Ring of Valiance

To watch the full episode, please log in to your account - or consider becoming a Portal One level member. At Portals we seek to offer great content to inquiring minds, and we also want to nourish and grow a thriving community by creating an ecology of practice for...