Current Openings #20 – The Epoch Mystery

Current Openings #20 – The Epoch Mystery

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 7:52 Where will we find the Universalis human? 10:10 What can be born in the womb of a group meditation? 28:24 What is the role of feelings and intuition in inner discovery? 36:02 Why is the will to live so powerful? 49:39 Why do we...
The Self-Appraisal Practice – Resilient Self-Authoring

The Self-Appraisal Practice – Resilient Self-Authoring

  In our recent Portals writing "The Five Stories," we described Story Four as an endeavor to “become dialytic” — to intentionally metabolize and transmute the epochal story and help ease the transition underway. The profound intensification of the epoch process...
Resilience and the Crisis of Belief

Resilience and the Crisis of Belief

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 3:33 What is the crisis of belief? 8:57 How do we begin an appraisal updating process? 21:39 Can resiliency save the human species? 38:45 The unfolding community self-appraisal 41:35 In the post-guru era we need each other The Five...
The Universalis Project #15: Pathways to Universal Life

The Universalis Project #15: Pathways to Universal Life

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 7:52 Where will we find the Universalis human? 10:10 What can be born in the womb of a group meditation? 28:24 What is the role of feelings and intuition in inner discovery? 36:02 Why is the will to live so powerful? 49:39 Why do we...
Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 6: A Soul-Quickening Odyssey

Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 6: A Soul-Quickening Odyssey

  In Chapter Five we demonstrated how you can begin the practice of speaking to your brain and asking it to help you energize your intentions and soul orchestration. We then traced the story of the discovery of DNA and its cultural impact to better appreciate the...