God: An Evolving Revelation with Brendan Graham Dempsey
God: An Evolving Revelation with Brendan Graham Dempsey

Aviv Shahar with Brendan Graham Dempsey

October 10, 2024

How can a forward-looking, evolution-inclined spirituality, not tied to dogma or history, offer us a sense of meaning and purpose in a time of cultural upheaval powered by AI? Can a metamodern spiritual path also include a new perspective and appreciation of Christianity and the many faces, or dimensions, of Jesus Christ?

In the newest conversation in the Portals series exploring metamodern spirituality, Aviv Shahar welcomes back metamodern leader Brendan Graham Dempsey. Brendan is a unique voice who combines a deep personal experience with Christianity and a pioneering study and exploration of metamodern thinking and philosophy.

Together, he and Aviv trace the amazing evolution of the human notion and idea of God, from ancient cultures through the Enlightenment and into today. There are new insights into the appearance of Jesus and the rising importance of the individual, which explodes in the modern era with its elevation of self-actualization. (You can also see the discussion about Jesus excerpted below.)

The conversation does not just look back, but also forward; in a learning, growing universe, what’s next? What’s on the horizon with our concept of God? Is there a metamodern integration of perceptions that can activate a more powerful inner conductivity and capacity for universal connection?

Other ponders and insights include:

  • The cutting edge of spiritual and Christian thought might be to include mystery school ideas without abandoning modern and postmodern reality, while pushing beyond scientific dogma.
  • We are co-participating with the divine to unfold in new directions; to build on what we've already done and continue the dreams we’ve set up; to live the arc of this emergence; to move forward, not back.
  • How do we know? Which faculty of knowing are we talking about when we talk about knowing? New sense organs? Can we integrate conceptual and head ways of knowing with other sources of knowledge?
  • The Christ archetype is how we find the Christ in us; to show up in a Christ-like fashion; a profound universal engagement. These are the depths a metamodern Christianity should explore.
  • We can’t put the genie back in the bottle, or try to reengage an older operating system. The challenge is harvesting the best of the ancient system, and hospicing what needs to be left behind.
  • We’re talking about a metamodern move to address what can be described as a Tower Of Babel of perspectives: confusion and chaos that give rise to polarization politics, and everything breaking down.

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


In this excerpt, Brendan Graham Dempsey and Aviv look at Jesus through six stories

What excites me is looking at each of these moments in the evolving notions of God as offering something important and novel to our understanding of God, of the Divine, of the sacred; trying to do justice to each, rather than just privileging one or the other, or saying one's bad and one's good. I'm interested in trying to see how they're all part of some kind of broader learning process, and then what do we have yet to learn?
Brendan Graham Dempsey

Brendan Graham Dempsey

Brendan Graham Dempsey

Brendan Graham Dempsey explores the period after postmodernism, with a focus on creatively answering the meaning crisis of contemporary society. His videos examine the new metamodern period currently emerging, which integrates post-postmodern insights from cultural and political metamodernism, integral theory, GameB, and from other intellectual and activist communities.

Visit: Brendan Graham Dempsey

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv serves as the Portals' sherpa. He curates transformational journeys and is a storyteller of the epochal evolution culminating at this time. Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

Visit: Aviv Consulting