Hello dear friends, warm greetings
We are pleased to invite you to a Portals of Perception virtual event on September 17, 3:00 - 5:00pm EDT
This event will be hosted by Aviv Shahar, an author, coach, and global consultant, helping leadership teams create breakthroughs that produce transformational futures.
Our panel of guests include:
Inquiries to be explored:
Be a part of this interactive exploration - participation is free. To receive your personalized Zoom link, register below.
In the age of ideology we found power grounded in answers. But now, in the age of emergence, we know that all these ideologies never could work because they are too simplistic, which is why we must explore into the space of inquiries to continually integrate, and encompass, greater complexity and emergent possibilities.
Aviv Shahar
Register and reserve your place today!
Aviv serves as the Portals' sherpa. He curates transformational journeys and is a storyteller of the epochal evolution culminating at this time.
Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.
Visit: Aviv Consulting
Anne is a pioneering elder. Her specialty is offering services that support self-organizing individual and collective leadership. She opens space for the emergence of spirited leadership and inspired forms for collective evolution. A founder and organizer of local, national, and international peace efforts, and an award-winning television producer at KING 5-TV in Seattle Washington, Anne has decades of experience in guiding the formation of emergent communities.
Jeff coaches and consults, teaches, writes, and leads travel journeys.
He is a co-founder of Sourcing The Way, Enlightening Journeys & Expeditions, and The Consciousness of Money.
Jeff is also a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and he serves on the board of directors for Alliance for the Earth and Source of Synergy Foundation (previous chair).
Grace is an executive coach and transformational guide working at the leading edge of consciousness. She guides leaders, entrepreneurs, creatives and others to work with the full creative power of awakened Presence.
Grace holds advanced degrees in public policy and physical therapy (neuroscience specialty), is a certified executive and systems coach and professional mediator, and has advanced training in energy work, subtle perception, and the development of consciousness.