We are never far from our past, while we are always on the verge of our future. In the fluid moment we gather our understandings, our knowings, and our new perceptions together to weave into a discovery of what is now possible.
In this way we can always be refreshed, and updated, within the currency of what is at play, and offer into life the produce of our full experience.
In this series, Aviv Shahar and a global group of "weavers" with varied academic, professional and life backgrounds, bring together the hidden threads and themes behind new possibilities emerging across all aspects of human experience.
In asking questions of ourselves, and about things that we see before us, and maybe the things that we don't understand, we create openings to reflect, to construct, to create, and to perceive. And then that perception allows us to be able to find new ways, and opportunities, for different kinds of realities that we never thought that we might be able to inhabit.