Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 2 – Event (a): The Language of the Soul
Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 2 – Event (a): The Language of the Soul

Aviv Shahar and friends

October 17, 2024

Our exploration of the human soul emerged from the start with a core inquiry: how do we communicate with this essentially energetic, spiritual faculty? What are the language and feelings of the soul? Can we directly sense or know its real nature and function?

In a recent Portals event, Aviv Shahar was joined by an international group of seekers to push further into the mystery of how we can experience our soul and be receptive to its natural intelligence and guidance. Their discovery included insights into the three dimensions of human knowing, and practical exercises to improve sensitivity and create the inner ecology to sense and exchange with the soul.

The event was based on the content of “The Ghost – A Compensatory Act of the Soul,” Chapter 2 in the series “Portals Into the Soul.”

As the event demonstrates, the three dimensions of knowing are not just concepts, but embodied experience: the sensory portal is wired to our physical reality; the mental portal allows us to search for information and meaning; the spiritual portal offers direct access to the soul and spirit. Other perceptions include:

  • Science established that we truly know only 5% of the universe. What about a sixth and seventh percent? To unlock more, we begin inside ourselves, since we are part of the universe.
  • We matter to the universe not because our personality is special, but because our individual qualities and essence configuration are a unique, once-in-history composition.
  • The primary faculty we learned to use in modern life is the mental faculty. It enables us to shape the material world and create in the spiritual world. It has a unique evolutionary function.
  • We may discover the spiritual portal can infuse the mental and sensory portals. We are describing not three separate spheres, but rather interpenetrating dimensions that get to co-arise.

Additional segments of the Portals event will be published soon.

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


We're coming out of centuries of materialistic scientific orientation, where the thought is that consciousness and the soul arise from the bottom up, from the physical world. I deeply believe humanity is in a process of shape-shifting, and the coming decades will bring a realization that this is a false premise; in actuality, the material universe and spiritual universe are co-arising, co-emerging at the same time.

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv serves as the Portals' sherpa. He curates transformational journeys and is a storyteller of the epochal evolution culminating at this time. Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

Visit: Aviv Consulting