We continue to ask the question: Where does the Future come from? Gathered here are some of the forays and works-in-progress into the beliefs and perceptions catalyzing the Portals of Perception endeavor.

Out from a State of Knowing and Perceiving

In the integration of this threefold journey, direct experience and living one’s understandings and beliefs are the crucible where concepts and mental models emerge.

Portals Backstory

The Portals Backstory

The untold (until now) Portals backstory. In the spring of 2015, I was getting increasingly restless. The polarization of the culture wars, growing geopolitical fragmentation, and the increasing stress and insanity I observed...

The Three Journeys

Inside the turmoil of converging global crises and disruptive changes underway, many are trying to make sense of what’s happening in the world, and inquire about the meaning and purpose of life in a new and revitalized way.

The Ensoulment Journey

What are the challenges and conditions hindering anyone hoping to heed the inner calling and act on the yearning to find the sacred and make contact with a higher source?

The Cosmology of the Portals Inquiry

A guiding inquiry and premise on Portals is that a new future — new universal upgrade and uplift — is pressing in and finding expression at the edge or frontier of our perception and experience. Where?

The Homo Universalis Project - Evolving Together

On so many fronts we’ve experienced superfast changes — in technology, communication, transportation and more. What about how we humans evolve together among ourselves? What about the evolution underway in the interior human realms?

An End of an Era & a Post-Guru World

As we reflect on the state of the world, much is disconcerting. Why does it seem conflict is mushrooming everywhere you look? Why are so many people at war? Are these symptoms of a deeper meta-crisis?

Our Soul Odyssey

Where do you find a sure path to transcend confusion and the corrosive exhaustion of cacophonous polarization, so as to find sanity inside a sense of fresh possibility?

Portals Into the Soul Series

Portals Into the Soul invites us to realize the soul wants us to be fulfilled — to live a life as closely aligned as possible to the greater connections, intelligence and qualities that are the human’s universal birthright.

The Teacher's Journey, The Guru Trap, and the Golden Shadow

From the earliest times people have been captivated by great teachers, awakened souls, healing priests, enlightened agents of truth and wisdom, and pathfinders of the greater human potential.

This Epochal Moment

Mighty, seemingly unbreakable civilizations rose and fell. Historians of all times and futurists try to trace the signs of decline and predict the end of an era. Can we predict the collapse of a civilization, just as Cassandra predicted the end of the Trojans and the Greek historian Polybius foresaw the demise of the Roman Empire some 600 years before it fell? Can we see the warning lights when as a society we are running at an ever-increasing speed towards a cliff? Can we choose to avert civilizational collapse by redirecting and engendering a deep renewal?

The Sevenfold Epoch – The Five Stories

Welcome to a new year of possibility! We’re starting off with two Portals conversations that illuminate in a unique way the evolutionary human story. In the first, “The Five Stories of the Epoch” featuring Aviv Shahar and Jeff Vander Clute, and in the second, “The Universalis Project #13” with Aviv Shahar, Karen Heney, and Kyriaki Nikandrou, we explore the Sevenfold Epoch insight and the Five Stories — focusing particularly on Story 4, the Dialytic Story.

The Self-Appraisal Practice – Resilient Self-Authoring

In our recent Portals writing "The Five Stories," we described Story Four as an endeavor to “become dialytic” — to intentionally metabolize and transmute the epochal story and help ease the transition underway. The profound intensification of the epoch process in its Indigo-Violet emergence invites us to reflect on new challenges and opportunities. Global crises and confusion can serve as fertile ground for nascent developments.