At Portals we're seeing more and more that emerging and potentially world-changing ideas and perceptions are arising at points all over the planet. In this conversation we speak with Joe Lightfoot, a creative and dynamic thinker, writer (A Collective Blooming) and podcaster who is opening new pathways toward creating communities and grass roots engagement that he believes can radically transform our inner and outer worlds.
Joe describes the Liminal Web, an emerging digital ecosystem that includes the people, platforms and communities pioneering visions that seek deep systems change. In this he traces the impulse for "radical belonging" among millennials seeking to give rise to new pods and meta-tribes as an
as an alternative to the isolation and loneliness felt in the absence of community in the postmodern, technological age.
Joe re-imagines the big systems – economics, agriculture, politics – that would be part of a truly regenerative planetary culture. A transition not based in the destruction of the modern world, but rather prepared to harvest the best to nourish an evolutionary process.
There also is a shift in Joe’s thinking to the inner journey of transformation required before a person might be able to engage fully with larger world and systems changes. Join Aviv Shahar and Joe Lightfoot in this expansive and fascinating exploration.
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I'm watching all sorts of people across the world step into this; there's a huge, huge movement building around this. It's only going to get stronger. I think we're stepping into that. I think there are two strange, bizarre, beautiful pathways that are going to be unfolding. There's going to be utopias and dystopias alongside each other over the next century. And we're going to be able to inhabit either one, and hopefully take the magic from one to help heal the other.